For example: how to make a plastic bag bra!
I found this on the BBC's website after some good google sifting. It was actually written in 2000. So wow, imagine how many plastic bag bras there are now. I would totally write out the instructions for you but for some reason ... it seemed complicated to me ha ha. So here, if you're curious... this is the link and there are pictures like the great one above as well. YAY! haha.
I also found this in regards to recycling mattresses:
How long should a mattress life span? Well, here is their suggestion:
A mattress should last about ten years. That's the same lifespan as a pet rabbit. You can buy a rabbit and a mattress at the same time and when the rabbit dies, you'll know that it is time for a new mattress.
The rabbit can be turned into a rich stew. But what do you do with your old mattress? Many landfills are charging high fees for allowing someone to drop off their mattress or they are denying entrance all together. Those landfill people are sure getting snooty.

so, I got my roommie a Snuggie for her birthday. They sell them at H-E-B for $15! Omg, so amazing. I especially loved the creepy mannequin just standing there wearing a Snuggie. Like it's a normal thing to do to just go out in public in a Snuggie and not look like a Jedi in blue fleece... or something. Anyway.
I leave you with cute pictures from last night... Lykke Li was amazing. Party was ok.

O.M.G. snuggies!!!!
Francessss! is having a 20% sale off their new arrivals, which includes some T by Alexander Wang stuff. checcck it!
Lykke li was fun, let's play some timeee soon!
oh you know,
swimmingly, like goes well, without any setbacks.
anyone can buy a Snuggie in lieu of having a special someone to snuggle them back
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